Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pros and Con of the R.H. Bill

        What are the pros and cons of the R.H. Bill? When we way the pros and con of the Reproductive Health Bill; it doesn’t take a genius to realize that when it comes to benefiting society, the pros outweigh the con. Yes. I used “con” instead of “cons” because we can basically summarize all the cons into one simple idea. When we analyze the Reproductive Health Bill, some of the pros that we can come up with are:

1. Prevention of abortion and management of post-abortion complications
2. Adolescent and youth health
3. Prevention and management of reproductive tract infections, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases
4. Elimination of violence against women
5. Counseling on sexuality and sexual reproductive health
6. Treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers
7. Male involvement and participation in reproductive health, prevention and treatment of infertility
8 Reproductive health education for the youth

Now what are the basic reasons of those who are against the Reproductive Health Bill anyway? When you look at it, all their arguments can be simplified into just one sentence. This is basically the only reason why some people, especially religious people, are against the Reproductive Health. Bill:

1. It's anti-life

Now I’m not going to delve into the argument of whether an unborn fetus is life because that’s a complete and utter waste of time. But I do want to know if life is as valuable as everybody claims. Do you really think about how valuable the life of a beggar is when you meet him or her down the street? Do you value the life of a murderer when you’re facing him at gunpoint? Do you value the life of a corrupt government official when he is using his power for profit? The truth is we only value life when the absence of life is there. The rest of the time we don’t really give a crap about it. We waste life, we self-destruct, we kill, we steal and yet when we see a loved one die or when we find out we’re dying we start valuing life. Isn’t that simply hypocrisy? The truth is, the only life that’s valuable to us is our own life and the lives of those who are close to us.  

                You people rant about how important human life is yet when exposed in our vulnerable state all you see is a façade of hypocrisy to shield your irrational beliefs. You brag about valuing the human life yet all you really care about is your own selfish life. It isn’t life that’s important to humans. What’s important is the “person” inside each and every human being. You can tell me that the reason why some people don’t care about life is because there is good and there is evil when it comes to people. If that is so then that means that life is also either good or bad. And when it comes to human nature, people almost never put any value into anything that is bad.

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